25 Apr 24

The Fleet Rural Tour - Incredible audience responses


Sound News

Jason Singh and Sarah Acton

The energy and responses from audiences across all 8 dates of our South-West England tour with The Fleet was incredible.

The Fleet featured Jason Singh’s live score to Drifters (1929) and a newly commissioned piece Seiners by Sarah Acton. View the tour page here.

Thanks to all the audiences who came out and brought their love and energy.

Here's a small selection of the wonderful feedback we received:

“Such an incredible event, with such talented artists. I feel privileged and grateful for the Arts Funding which allowed such a phenomenal event to come to our local area. Huge congrats and many thanks to all involved.” Audience feedback

Sarah Acton performing Seiners

“We loved this event, the performers were brilliant and the subject matter fascinating and thought provoking.” Audience feedback

“Stunning show. If it had been showing again near to where I live I would have gone again!” Audience feedback

"Congratulations Jay and all the team, truly amazing tour that has brought such richness – historic experience and amazing performances together." Audience feedback

"You could hear a pin drop. Everyone was captivated. Please go and watch this show, history and modern technology uniting in utter brilliance." Audience feedback

Jason Singh delivering a workshop during The Fleet tour.

Alongside the performances, Jason also delivered a series of workshops with school groups, introducing pupils to the art of beatboxing and inspiring them.

"Thank you! It was such a positive, enjoyable and enlightening day." Teacher feedback

"A really great experience for our pupils to be in the same room as a beatboxer as fantastic as Jason. He was very inspiring and had a great relationship with the pupils instantly. He was fun and engaging. A lot of our pupils are from disadvantaged backgrounds, and Jason talking about his background I think was relatable for our pupils." Teacher feedback

Thanks to all the promoters, rural venues and audiences who came to see the show, and of course to the brilliant artists and crew: Jason Singh, Sarah Acton, Common Ground, Emily Burridge (Dorset), Julie Macara (Cornwall), Becki Driscoll (Devon), Alex Fiennes.

Jason Singh performing Drifters to a packed audience.

You can read more about the tour and see all tour dates here.

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