07 Sep 19

What's your favourite song about the sea?


Sound News

With help from the REFLECT team and artists we've put together a playlist. How Does the sea make you feel? playlist now live! Listen here

Some of the REFLECT artists tell us about their favourite songs about the sea below.

What’s your favourite song about the sea and why?
Ruth (REFLECT BUDE) - Lonely Drfiter by the O'jays came to mind straight away, love a bit of drama

Kate (REFLECT BUDE) - Blue by Joni Mitchell. I like this song because it expresses the elemental nature of love.

Tim (REFLECT BUDE) Don’t know the title of this folk song but it starts “Old Man Adams built a mansion where the ocean rose and fell, he said he’d spend his days there, and be buried there as well”. I like the words and melody, and that it is sung in a deep voice.

Billie (REFLECT GRAVESHAM) Surfin' USA - The Beach Boys one is a blast from the past, from the 60’s when I lived in Peru ( a lot of surfing there ) and I was 18 years old. I love the sea and spend as much time as I can by the sea walking and love swimming.

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